Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hello World!

Welcome, fellow adventurer, to the Tawny Sparrow! Come with me as I explore life’s mysteries and mundanities.  This travelogue is an endeavor of love—an online scrapbook, sketchbook, journal, and notepad. Please fell welcome to join in the conversation.

Here are some things I think I’ll write about (though one never knows for sure):

Matters of the Hearth: Crafts, Cloth, Cooking, and Home Making

Matters of the Intellect and Spirit: Thoughtful Little Musings about Literature, Philosophy, Dreams, and other interesting things

Matters of the World Around Us: Nature, Animals, the Spirit World, and Expeditions.

I am currently working a job in an admissions office at a small graduate education institution... though I have journalistic aspirations. I have other aspirations too, that I'll write about in another post perhaps. But welcome!